Trame Sonore Improvisée Pour Film Imaginaire (2011)
(more info here)
Live recording of one of my side projects, Dr Strangelove.
Luminance (2011)
1 track on CDR
(more info here)
One ambient track on this short but stunning compilation!
Christmas Is Not Your Friend (2011)
1 track on CDR
(digital download)
Ambient dronescape, along other tracks of some very talented artists!
Canadian Drones (2011)
1 track on CDR
(available here - $10)
Ambient drones of the hemispherical north kind. Many tracks by several outstanding artists! A 0BPM release.
Europa Memories (2010)
20 minutes on 3" CDR
(available here - $5)
Dronish soundtrack to something unsettling. Bowed strings, crackles, drums and cascading resonances. Self-release.
Strange Encounters - vol. 1 (2010)
1 track on 3" CDR
Compilation released on [walnut+locust]. Sold out.
More info here!
Unshape (2009)
20 minutes on 3" CDR
(available here - $5)
Originally released on [walnut+locust]. Sold out. Rereleased independently with permission.
Mood Weeds (2006)
51 minutes on CDR
(available here - $7)
Beeps, bloops, electronic beats, drones and guitars.
Enter (2003)
1 track on CD
Part of a compilation on Unschooled Records. Sold out.
Non-household Items (2001)
60 minutes on CDR
My first experiments with electronic music. Sold out.